Live & Spread Faithfully and Contagiously – Pastor Jade Yi
Proverbs 9:1-6 Invited to dine at wisdom’s feast

Psalm 34:15-22 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous. (Ps. 34:15)
Ephesians 6:10-20 Put on the armor of God
John 6:56-69 The bread of eternal life
Are we almost done with the COVID-19? Last week, my son-in-law and I talked about the recent symptoms of the covid-19. We have come to believe that it will likely be treated as a seasonal flu eventually. It means that the virus won’t go away easily. Then he reminded me of the purpose of viruses, which is not to kill the host but to spread successfully from one host to the next.
我們既將要擺脫 COVID-19 的威脅了嗎? 上週,我和我的女婿談論到 covid-19 最近的症狀,並相信這病毒最終可能會被視為季節性的流感。這意味著這病毒不會輕易的消失。然後他提醒我,病毒的目的不是使宿主致命,而是要成功地從一個宿主傳播到下一個宿主。
The thought of not killing the host but spreading successfully from one host to the next makes me think of the purpose of evil. Indeed, every living being has its own living and surviving purpose including viruses just as evil itself. Like most viruses, evil is contagious because it has the power to satisfy one’s desire, affect one’s emotions, and change one’s will.
不使宿主致命而是要成功地從一個宿主傳播到下一個宿主的想法讓我連想到了邪惡的目的。 事實上,每個生命都有自己的生存目的,包括病毒,就像邪惡本身一樣。 和大多數病毒一樣,邪惡具有傳染性,因為它有能力滿足人的慾望、影響人的情緒、改變人的意志。
We all know that after viruses infect a host by entering host cells and hijacking them, they begin to run their course with a series of steps to replicate and spread. Doesn’t evil ruin our lives in the same way? Indeed, the purpose of evil is not to kill our souls but to spread itself successfully and run its course contagiously.
我們都知道,病毒藉著宿主,進入並劫持宿主細胞來感染宿主後,就開始進行一系列的複製和傳播步驟。邪惡不也以同樣的方式,破壞我們的生活嗎? 事實上,邪惡的目的不是要使我們的靈魂致命,而是要成功地傳播它,並使其發展具有傳染性。
Interestingly, I heard such concepts used in how we carry out God’s mission as Christians. Have you heard about positive and impactful contagiousness? I heard that people would say, “Things like kindness and love are contagious, and you can’t help wanting to catch them.” I also heard comments like, “Someone’s sermon or someone’s hospitable presence is so contagious that makes people want to be part of God’s mission.” What are some positive contagiousness in the body of Christ that make you want to catch it?
有趣的是,這感染性的傳播概念也被基督徒用來形容如何執行上帝的使命。您聽過有正面且有影響力的傳染力嗎? 人們會說:“良善和愛這樣的東西是會傳染的,你會情不自禁地想要被感染。”我還聽到類似這樣的評論:「某人的講道或某人的熱情款待是如此具有感染力,使人們想要加入上帝使命。」 在基督的身體內,你想要被感染哪些正面的影響力呢?
God’s Story
For the past five weeks, we have read through and meditated on John 6. We heard the stories of Jesus feeding the 5000, walking on the sea, discourse on the Bread of Life, and Peter’s confession of faith.
Let’s have a recap and connect all the dots together. The ultimate goal of our ministries is to make God known through the signs of Jesus’ glory and his mighty power. ( 7/28) In this faith journey, we run the race like the winner by seizing the prize that Jesus has earned for us as St. Paul suggested. (8/4), and then as runners, we see the goodness of God in our dual identities as sinners and saints by zooming all the way in. (8/11) And seeing the goodness of God, we should love our souls that God has gifted to us. (8/18)
讓我們回顧一下把所有的點連貫在一起。 我們事工的最終目標是要透過耶穌的榮耀和祂的大能讓神為人所知。 在這個信仰道路上,我們要像勝利者一樣的奔跑,緊抓住耶穌為我們贏得的獎賞,正如聖保羅建議的那樣,然後作為賽跑者,我們從身為罪人和聖徒的雙重身份中,放大往裡仔細看,我們看到神的良善。因為神的良善,我們應該要懂得疼惜神賦予我們的靈魂。
Out of gratitude, our call is to live faithfully and spread contagiously as we share the true Bread with hungry and lost souls. In John 6:66-71, we saw that many lost interest in Jesus, because they were disappointed at Jesus who focused on their spiritual transformation alone rather than their political concerns. Then we heard Peter’s confession of faith that expressed so well to whom our souls should be grounded. Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
出於感恩之情,我們回應神的呼召是要信實地、要富有感染力地去生活和去傳播,與飢餓和迷失的靈魂分享真正的糧食。在約翰福音6:66-71中,我們看到許多人對耶穌失去了興趣,也對耶穌感到失望,因為耶穌只關注他們靈命上的轉變而不是他們對政治的關切。 接著我們聽到彼得對耶穌的信仰表白,這信仰告白很好地表達了我們的靈魂應該紮根於誰。彼得說:「主啊,你有永生之道,我們還歸從誰呢?」
Jesus Christ, the true Bread, provides nourishment to the body of Christ through which our souls can grow strong and healthy. It is easier for our bodies living without food than for our souls living without Christ. It means that our souls can’t live without Christ as Christians. Those who have received the true Bread including you and me are to be the distributors of it to any hungry or lost souls.
耶穌基督,真正的糧,為基督的身體提供營養,使我們的靈魂能強健地成長。比起我們的靈魂沒有基督而言, 我們的身體在沒有食物的情況下能活的更容易些。這意味著, 身為基督徒,我們的靈魂不能沒有基督。那些接受了真糧的人,包括你和我,都應該把這真正的糧分發給任何飢餓或迷失的靈魂。
Think or imagine a time when you enter a food court either feeling hungry or not being aware of your empty stomach because of being sick or under stress. Your criteria to decide on food will vary. It depends on what you can afford or what your body tells you it needs. Or you just don’t care what to eat as long as it is food.
想像一下,當您進入美食廣場時,要么感到飢餓,要么因為生病或壓力大而沒有意識到自己的胃是空的。 您選擇吃什麼的標準可能會有所不同。 這取決於您的預算範圍或您的身體告訴您想吃的資訊。或者你並不在乎吃什麼,只要是食物都好。
In that food court, there is one standing out, called the House of God. The main entry in the menu is “Eternal Bread of Life.” And the Eternal Bread of Life comes with flavors of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The slogan is: the better you are fed, the faster you become a franchisee. The warranty is eternal.
在那個美食廣場裡,有一個很顯眼的地方,叫做「主之家園」。菜單中的主菜是「永恆的生命之糧」。 永恆的生命之糧提供了一些口味:愛、喜樂、平安、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔和節制的味道。其標語是,你吃得越好,你就越快成為加盟商。保固期是永恆的。
Life is a series of seasons, each with its unique challenges and joys. We all need the Eternal Bread of Life but different seasons of life need different flavors. What flavor do you need the most at this time of your life, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control? What are some positive contagiousness in the body of Christ that you want to catch the most?
生命有一系列的季節,每個季節都有其獨特的挑戰和喜樂。我們都需要永恆的生命之糧,但生命中的不同季節需要不同的口味。在你人生的這個階段,你最需要哪一種口味呢,愛、喜樂、平安、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔還是節制? 基督的身體裡有哪些正面的感染力讓你最想要得到呢?
It’s my prayer that you all have received what you are asking for from God each day. Being fed, may we as the distributors of the Eternal Bread of Life live faithfully and spread contagiously as we enter the world and tell people about the goodness of God and let God work on their souls.
我禱告你們每天都能收到你們向上帝所求的。 得到餵養後,願我們作為永恆生命之糧的分發者,在我們進入世界時,能信實的生活,能夠有感染力的傳播,訴說神的良善,讓神在人們的靈魂中來作工。
Good News
The good news is that we are entering the world with the armor of God. The gift of God’s armor protects us from the power of evil while we are distributing the Eternal Bread of Life.

As St. Paul described in Ephesians 6:10-20, may we put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the sandals of the Gospel of peace, and have the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith in our both hands. And may we live faithfully and spread contagiously in the world.
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