God is on the Move! – Pastor Jade Yi
Psalm 1; Acts 8:26-40

Our Story
From the moment we were born, we have been given innumerable instructions in our lives. For example, we receive instructions from our parents, our teachers, or anyone that we work for, or any services that we pay for, like technicians or doctors. We also receive instructions on how to operate electronics that we buy.
從我們出生的那一刻起,在生活上,我們就開始收到大量的指示。 例如,父母親給我們的指示、老師們給的指示,或是我們的領導上司,也會給予我們指示。甚至,我們在雇用技術人員時或是去看醫生時,他們也會給予我們專業的指示。或者,購買電子產品時,有關如何操作的指示也會附上。
I have noticed that I don’t really read instructions carefully unless it has to do with something that is expensive, doesn’t belong to me, or has to do with a life or death matter. Under what circumstances would you listen to or read instructions carefully because you don’t want to mess up something that is unmendable?
我發現,對閱讀說明指示的文件,我都是大概看過,不怎麼花時間研究。除非是涉及到很昂貴的東西、或是不想把屬於別人的東西弄壞,再則,如果會牽絆到生死關鍵的事情,我才會花心思弄懂。 在什麼情況下,您會因為不想把事情弄遭到無法修復的地步,而仔細聆聽或閱讀說明的指示呢?
I had brain surgery nine years ago. After being in the ICU for a couple of days, a nurse came in and told me about a tube that was inside me and that it was time to pull it out from my neck. It is a procedure called Cardiac Catheterization. Since I was still heavily drugged and my brain was foggy, I didn’t or couldn’t take her words seriously enough as she expected me to.
九年前我接受了腦部的手術。 在加護病房待了幾天后,一名護士進來告訴我,我體內有一根管子。這是動腦部手術時,插入心導管時留下的,因我的情況已經穩定,是把它從我的脖子抽出來的時候了。 由於受到大量藥物的影響,我的大腦很模糊,所以我沒有也無法,如她所願,認真的聽她的指示。
The nurse probably noticed that so she changed her tone of voice from a gentle one to a very serious one and looked into my eyes saying, “You have to listen to my instructions very carefully. We can’t afford any mistakes because the tube, the catheter, is threaded through your blood vessels, from the aorta to your heart.” And she asserted slowly and loudly, “All you need to do is listen to my commands while I am pulling the tube out.”
護士大概也發現了這一點,她的語氣,從溫和變成了很嚴肅,看著我的眼睛說:「妳一定要很仔細地,聽我的指示。 我們要分常謹慎,因為這導管是穿過你的血管,從主動脈到你的心臟。」 她緩慢而大聲地對我說:「我拔管子的時候,妳只需要聽我的命令配合我就可以了。」
God’s story
In the history of humanity, God has also given us innumerable instructions. How does God give instructions? In the Old Testament, God talks to people directly most of the time or through dreams, then through prophets. And in the New Testament, God continues doing so directly to Jesus and His disciples, or through Jesus, dreams, and the Holy Spirit.
在人類歷史上,神也給了我們無數的指示。 神如何下達傳送祂的指示呢? 在舊約中,上帝大多數時候是直接或透過夢境與人交談,然後是透過先知。 在新約裡,神繼續直接對耶穌和祂的門徒說話,後來,是透過耶穌、夢境和聖靈來傳達祂的指示。
The word INSTRUCTION in biblical Hebrew is TORAH, which is normally translated as law. Maybe the biblical scholars believed that this word LAW might make God’s people listen more carefully and obey them more willingly! That’s the word we see in Psalm 1:2.
聖經希伯來語中的“指示”一詞是“TORAH”,通常被翻譯為“律法”。 也許聖經學者們認為「律法」這個字可以讓上帝的子民更仔細地去聆聽閱讀,也會更心甘情願地服從他們!所以就這麼的翻譯了。 這就是我們在詩篇 1:2 中所看到的“律法”這個詞彙。
The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 1 that there are two ways of life. One leads a person to life and is a joyful one. Another leads a person to perish and is a bitter one. The key to life is to follow God’s instructions. God’s instructions are full of commandments, such as the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament which are summarized as the two Great Commandments by Jesus.
詩篇作者在詩篇第一篇寫道,生活方式有兩種。 一種方式是帶領人走向有生命的生活,是一個快樂的生命。 另一個方式是帶領人走向一個滅亡的生活,那是一個痛苦的生命。 走向有生命的生活關鍵是,要遵循神的指示。 神的指示包含了誡命,例如舊約中的十誡,和被耶穌總結的兩大誡命。
God works with those who listen to God’s commands and obey them wholeheartedly. That’s what we get to see in the book of Acts 8. The stories of Philip and the Eunuch are great examples. Our God is always on the move. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we see that the Body of Christ grows stronger each day and the Gospel of Jesus Christ spreads rapidly even in the midst of persecution, from Jeruselm to Samaria, and to the end of the Earth.
我們的神,是與那些願意聽從神的誡命並且全心全意遵行的人一起同工。 這就是我們在使徒行傳第 8 章所看到的。 我們的神總是在運行中。 在聖靈的推動幫助下,我們看到基督的身體,也就是教會,日益強大,即使在迫害中,耶穌基督的福音也迅速的傳播開來,從耶路撒冷到撒瑪利亞,直到地極。
What are some of the challenges that come to your mind in terms of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I might be biased, but I believe the challenges we are facing now are less than the challenges the people of Acts were facing.
在傳播耶穌基督的福音方面,您想到的一些挑戰是什麼呢? 我可能有些偏見,但我相信我們現在面臨的挑戰比起使徒行傳的人們所面臨的挑戰,要少多了。
Think about it! Because of the persecution, thousands of them had to leave or escape from Jerusalem. It is a very life-threatening situation, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Many lost their loved ones and had to let go of their belongings and properties. However, the people of Acts listened and obeyed Jesus’ instructions – sharing the Gospel. For them, it is a life-death matter. They are convinced that only through the Gospel that they are focusing on can save them altogether, eternally. They don’t treat Jesus’ instructions as mantras to be worshiped but as their core reason to live for.
我們想想看! 由於面臨迫害,數千人不得不離開或是逃離耶路撒冷。 無論是在情緒上、身體上或精神上,這是一種危及生命的非常情況。 許多人失去了親人,不得不放棄自己的財物和產業。 然而,使徒行傳的人們,卻聽從了耶穌傳福音的指示。 對他們來說,這是生死關鍵的局面。 他們最在意的是傳播福音,且確信只有透過傳福音,才能將他們一起拯救,那是一個永生的救贖。 他們不把耶穌給他們的指示,視為掛在嘴上崇拜的口號,而是將其視為他們生命核心的理由。
Their response to their callings in the midst of the crisis is listening to Jesus’ instructions by entering the land of Samaritans that the Jews despise the most. They hate each other. They don’t mingle with each other. Even though the Bible doesn’t tell us much, reciprocal reconciliation and forgiveness must have taken place. With the help of the Holy Spirit, they live out their callings, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, which makes them into oneness in our Triune God. It is a beautiful thing.
他們在危機中回應主對自己的呼召,就是聽從耶穌的指示,進入猶太人最鄙視的撒瑪利亞人之地。 他們原本是互相憎恨。 也不互相往來。 儘管聖經沒有告訴我們太多的細節,但他們彼此一定是有經過和解和寬恕的。 在聖靈的幫助下,他們活出主對自己的呼召,分享耶穌基督的好消息,這使他們在三一神裡,合而為一。 這真是一件多美好的事。
It is important to keep in mind why God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit in the first place. It is for the sake of spreading the Gospel. Last Wednesday, in our weekly Bible study, we shared how we see the way the Holy Spirit works. Sometimes, it works in a miraculous way through healing and miracles. Sometimes, it works in a gentle and whispered way to strengthen our minds and hearts and give us wisdom to carry out Jesus’ instructions.
我們要記住一件重要的事情,那就是,為什麼神一開始賜給我們聖靈的力量。 那是為了傳福音。 上週三,在我們每週的聖經學習中,我們分享了我們是如何看到聖靈的運行方式。 有時,祂會透過以神奇的方式來展現神的大能,例如,醫治和神蹟。 有時,祂會以一種溫和、默默的方式展現神的大能,例如,增強我們的意念和心靈,並給予我們智慧來執行耶穌的指示。
Good News
What is the Good News? Our God is a missional God. God is always on the move, from a place to another, from a person to the next. Nothing can stop or slow down God’s move. Because for God, abiding God through the Good News is a life and death matter.
什麼是好消息呢? 我們的神是一位宣教的神。 神總是在運行中,從一個地方到另一個地方,從一個人到另一個人。 沒有什麼可以阻止或減慢神的行動。 因為對上帝來說,與神同在的好消息,是關係到我們的生與死。
As Psalm 1 says, We are like trees rooted beside the source of water, a life that is well sustained to fulfill its purpose. Yes, we can’t change anyone or fix the lives of others, but we can lead them to the source of water, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Let God do miracles in their lives just as God works in our lives, too. May those who get to know God choose a path to life, a joyful one. God’s instructions are life-giving. God’s instructions are delightful.
正如詩篇第 1 篇所說,我們就像紮根在水源旁的樹木,生命是能夠充分的被維持以實現生命的目的。 是的,我們無法改變任何人或修復他人的生活方式,但我們可以引導他們到水的源頭,也就是耶穌基督的福音,讓神在他們的生命中創造奇蹟,就像神在我們的生命中創造奇蹟一樣。 願認識神的人都選擇一條走向有生命的生活,是一個快樂的生命。 神的指示是賜生命的指示。 神的指示也是令人愉快的。
Amen. 阿們。